Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yep - just what the world needs right now - another blogger. That would be me.

I'm R.C. Lewis, a strict, constructionist, conservative who has had my fill of the following topics, with more to follow:
  1. Blind party loyalty
  2. Being told not to believe my lying eyes
  3. Marxism - in whatever candy-coated form it is presented
  4. The idea that the constitution can be warped and shaped to fit any and all behavior

This is my first blog, so I'll be short and sweet and to the point.

During my induction process into the US Air Force 33 years ago, I was asked, "Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party?" This was not McCarthyism. This was meant as a method to weed out those individuals that were possibly sympathetic to an enemy that we had been fighting in one form or another since the end of WWII. Being that the Air Force was (and still is) the largest curator of this country's nuclear arsenal, asking this question made a lot of sense. Now, 33 years later, we have an administration where many of the individuals who are now in control of said, nuclear arsenal, would not receive a passing grade when answering that question. Anyone that does not think this is a problem is an utter, blithering idiot. Anyone who can look at the statements of Van Jones, Anita Dunn and several other high-placed people in this administration and state that Jones, Dunn, etc. are NOT Marxists, while they have told you so IN THEIR OWN WORDS, is in severe need of the treatment given to Mandy Patinkin by Andre the Giant in his attempt to revive Mandy from his drunken spree in the movie "The Princess Bride". In other words, a lot of quick dunking of the offending head into alternating buckets of hot and then cold water. Notice, I did not suggest water-boarding, per se. A procedure which, by the way, I abosolutely condone. Never in my lifetime did I think that I would see an administration filled to the brim with, let's say enthusiastic...Marxists. But here we have it.

I have read countless articles in our national news and in international publications debating this issue. These articles are always followed with comments explaining that you may not use terms like "Marxist" and "socialist" and "communist" - that, once again, the racists and uneducated have gone back to the McCarthy era of finding a communist behind every palm tree. Well, folks, they're not hiding behind the palm trees. They are just looking for your blind obedience to one political party because you hate the other political party. The real truth is that political parties were designed to resolve our differences, not to remake the country by using an image of the constitution that no one (other than radicals) could have envisioned a mere 30 years ago.

This, then, is the great challenge. Americans must awaken and begin to believe their eyes and ears rather than what they are being spoon-fed by those in power and 95% of the news media (sort of the same thing, if you think about it).

I welcome all comments - pro, con, neutral. As is said in the song, Uncle John's Band, "Let me know your mind."

Your's in blog-land

R. C. Lewis

1 comment:

  1. My ten year old will be interested to hear what else you have to say!


Keep in mind, when commenting, that you would not want to use language that your ten year old should not hear.